Monday, March 7, 2011


I watched the opener of season seven six weeks ago. It was the first time I noticed all the reflection. Of course I remembered the one of the beginning, Alex + Theresa at the hospital. Yes, Criminal Intent is full of mirrors and reflections. We have the big interrogation room mirror and all the amazing shots, when the Detectives standing behind, seeing the perps through and themselves in the glass. But in Amends there was also Alex reflecting in the picture frame, the moon in the poodle, Alex’s eyes full of tears and in prison. Is there a meaning behind?

Today vox, the German CI network will repeat to air season 7. They finished season 9 last Monday and it is the first time, they don’t repeat the newest season instantly after the first airing. But season 9 got good quotes, even better ones than S8. The switching from Wednesday back to Monday in the middle of the season even increased the viewer number. Of course, they don’t have to run against Desperate Housewives and soccer Champions League/UEFA Cup. I’m in a very good mood that vox will also order season 10 and air it, when??? Hopefully in fall but maybe I won’t see new CI in German before 2012.

Welcome back Bobby and Alex in German TV. It was gross to have them not on screen.


  1. Wow! Great observation of the reflections...I never noticed. Next time I watch I will pay attention!

  2. Wonderful observation. I too will have to have a look next time.
    I too will not get season ten on May 1st, probably not till September. I hope you get it quickly.

  3. A lot of subtleties that get missed until the 100th time around. Good job, Hannah is great at this too!

  4. Good eyes ! I never noticed either. This episode is one of my fav. Kathryn was in the highest of her art in this episode.

  5. LOL! Sweet typo there... you had me thinking about a poodle (=Pudel!) being in that episode for a second here...

    I'm not certain whether the reflection on the picture frame was done on purpose, but the one at the hospital was. It's Theresa looking into her future while Alex is looking into her past. This was the kind of subtle parallelism Leight did use - Balcer was different (though we did have nice reflections here and there...)

    I'm quite positive that we'll get S10 by November, just like S9 & S10.

  6. @T'Jara: I really should be checked about my orthography problems ;o)

    I really hope of fall 2011, but maybe they'll give us the new season January 2012, like vox did with SVU. We'll see.

    I remembered the reflection in the hospital very well, but as there was also the one in the picture frame and than the on in the prison...
    ...interesting hap.
