Sunday, July 3, 2011

10 x 25 - visitor survey

Unfortunately I hadn’t had a chance to visit 10 x 25 and see Kathryn life on stage with her two Atlantic Theater 10 minutes plays. She played Evanescence/Shakespeare in the Alley with Nic Kovicki and Sold with TR Knight for 11 times in June.

When you want to read longer reports about Kathryn’s acting and the content of the plays, visit Blanca’s blog or be a member of Unofficially Kathryn [link see sidebar] and take a look at venom’s report.

Kathryn was so kind to say hello to her fans after the performance. [click to enlarge]

Picture Source: TEH_Kats_Meow and Blanca. I know Kathryn wore that blue top (right) before. I saw it not long ago, but I can't find it again. Please let me know when you remember the event. [No, I don't think it's the top of Talk Radio/Jeopardy]

I can’t thank Blanca enough. As she met Kathryn again she spoke about her blog and also didn’t forget to mention Lovely Kathryn.

…I mentioned to Kate that we bloggers fully support her and Vincent and their wish to continue with LOCI. I spoke of several blogs in particular, including ours. I would have been remiss in not telling her about Lovely Kathryn, and she was already familiar with your work. She also asked if havers barbara was your real name. I spelled your first name for Kate since I wasn't sure how to pronounce Antje correctly. Guess what? I got an extra program for Kate to sign for you, and I will send it to you soon…

Blanca’s envelope arrived Berlin within four days. Unbelievable!

Take a look at my second Kathryn autograph and my very first personal dedication, gasp.

I think every Kathryn fan of Greater NYC visited Atlantic Theater. Also my LJ friend hargiteam got her chance and made a video of Sold.

Hochgeladen von am 01.07.2011

Please watch in HD.

**I have two strikes on this account; Subscribe/Friend my backup, please.
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Kathryn Erbe and TR Knight's performance at the Atlantic Theater on June 26, 2011. It's not full & it's a terrible recording. I was too busy watching the show. Sorry, loves.

'Sold' by Moira Buffini
Directed by Scott Zigler
With Kathryn Erbe and T.R Knight

I am the owner of this video. If anyone involved with the show wants me to take it down, I will be more than happy too. (:


  1. I'm very happy you received the program, Antje. I wish I had filmed Kate's performance, but I'm glad you have a video of Sold. It was my favorite of the two plays she did, and Kate is very sexy in this one. She actually frightened poor T.R. Knight onstage, LOL. Now, if only Eames had grabbed Bobby by his tie and came onto him the same way Angela did with Michael, Wow!

  2. Oh, Antje! So sweet of Kathryn! Awesome!

  3. Thank you again Blanca.

    Yes, Suzanne. I was overwhelmed because of that gift.

  4. Oh wow!! That'S very nice about the programme! And the little extra info ;-)

  5. Now the dedication hands beside Susan's Vincent Christmas Card and my other Kathryn autograph fixed with CI magnets ;o)

    I'm so happy.
