Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Law & Order's Kathryn Erbe and her absolutely adorable rescue puppy!

Yesterday, I found this sweet report of someone who met Kathryn and Lilah on the street back in 2008.

September 14, 2008 by Andrea Harner

While Jonah and I checked out the Brooklyn Heights and Cobble Hill neighborhoods this weekend, I spotted the. cutest. puppy. walking towards us (easily as cute as the puppy above although I couldn't find a photo that really looked like him). As usual, I stared down the pooch with no regard for the human being walking the fluffiness. My googley eyes met puppy's heart-shaped eyes and there was no stopping the love fest that ensued. I was practically making out with the pooch when I finally looked up at the human holding the leash to ask what breed her dog was...and I noticed that her face was the same face I watch hours of every week on my murder wall (what Jonah calls the wall onto which I project my assortment of DVR'ed crime shows)...Detective Eames!! So cool!

She was super nice and the best part is that her puppy is a rescue! Go Kathryn!

I'm not a dog person and would never touch a not familiar dogs on the street, but Lilah is such a beauty and I would like to stroke her soft fur one time.

Here are pictures of Lilah as puppy and a current picture of her and Tallulah (Kathryn's secon rescure dog).


  1. Just wonderful!!! There is such a warm-fuzzy-feeling about rescuing a pet. I mean, you can go to a breeder and get a specific type of dog (or cat, in my case...), but there's something soul-satisfying about giving a loving animal the love he/she deserves, and a security in knowing that they will be loved and cared for.

    I adopted my little Tessy-girl from the local Humane Society (a/k/a the vet's office!)...and I can say without a doubt it's one of the greatest things I've ever done.

    You've never known ecstacy until you've had a purring kitty fall asleep on your chest as you are falling asleep... ;-)

  2. What a beautiful and heart warming story. Thank you. I too love rescue pets (well, I love all animals). The perfect story to start a night at work.

  3. Exactly, all my last hamsters came from the animal shelter.

    A rescue pet is always a good alternative.

  4. Lilah is beautiful but i love Tallulah, that doggy is too cute lol.

  5. Thanks for finding this. Very sweet that she was looking at the dog, not the owner!

  6. That puppy is so adorable...I don't know how anyone could go to a rescue shelter and not want to bring every single one of them home!
